Your search for 'mattathias' matched 8 lots from auctions added in the last six months.
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Auction DatePrice Realized
Leu Numismatik AG - Web Auction 32, Lot 815
JUDAEA, Hasmoneans. Mattathias Antigonos, 40-37 BCE. Eight Prutot (Bronze, 25 mm, 13.86 g, 12 h). Double cornucopiae. Rev. Ivy wreath, with ties extending into the center. Hendin 6197. Meshorer 36. HGC 10, 646. Some deposits, otherwise, good fine. From an American collection, ex Harlan J. Berk Buy or Bid Sale 227, 14 May 2024, 403. Starting price: 25 CHF...
7 Dec 2024150 CHF
Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung - Online Auction 308, Lot 3188
IUDÄA. HASMONÄER Mattathias Antigonos, 40 - 37 v. Chr. AE ø 24mm (12,89g). Mzst. Jerusalem. Vs.: Paläo-hebräische Legende ('Mattatayah, der Hohepriester, und der Rat der Juden'), Doppelfüllhorn. Rs.: [BACIΛΕΩC A]NTIΓΟΝΟΥ, Efeukranz. Meshorer, TJC 36; Hendin 1162; HGC 10, 646. Dunkelgrüne Patina mit rötlichem Sandbelag, Rs. leicht dezentriert, ss Estimate: 100 EUR...
12 Nov 2024110 EUR
Numismatische Online Auktionen - Auction 2, Lot 29
JUDAEA HASMONÄER Mattathias Antigonos, 40-37 v. Chr. 8 Prutot Jerusalem Vs.: Zwei Füllhörner. Rs.: Efeukranz. Hendin 1162; Meshorer 36; HGC 10, 646. 11.97 g. Schwarzbraune Patina, fast sehr schön Erworben bei der Münzhandlung Ritter, Düsseldorf, am 13.02.2008. Estimate: 50 EUR...
28 Oct 2024100 EUR
Tauler & Fau - Auction 149, Lot 2056
Judaea. Mattathias Antigonos (Mattatayah). 4 Prutot. 40-37 BCE. Jerusalem. Hasmoneans. (Sofaer-426/33). (Hendin-GBC 6, 6198). (TJC-37c). Anv.: 'Mattatayah the High Priest' in Paleo-Hebrew script around cornucopiae. Rev.: BACIΛEΩC AN in three lines within wreath. Ae. 8,11 g. VF. Est...150,00. Spanish description: Judaea. Mattathias Antigonos (Mattatayah). 4 Prutot. 40-37 BCE. Jerusalem. Hasmoneos. (Sofaer-426/33). (Hendin-GBC 6, 6198). (TJC-37c). Anv.: 'Mattatayah el Sumo Sacerdote' en escrit...
1 Oct 2024160 EUR
Tauler & Fau - Auction 149, Lot 2057
Judaea. Mattathias Antigonos (Mattatayah). 8 Prutot. 40-37 BCE. Jerusalem. Hasmoneans. (Sofaer-418/23). (Hendin-CBC 6, 6179). (TJC-36). Anv.: 'Mattatayah the High Priest and Council of the Jews' in Paleo-Hebrew script around double cornucopiae. Rev.: BACIΛEΩC ANTIΓONOY around wreath. Ae. 14,91 g. VF. Est...200,00. Spanish description: Judaea. Mattathias Antigonos (Mattatayah). 8 Prutot. 40-37 BCE. Jerusalem. Hasmoneos. (Sofaer-418/23). (Hendin-CBC 6, 6179). (TJC-36). Anv.: 'Mattatayah, el Su...
1 Oct 2024Unsold 
Spink - Auction 24005, Lot 250
A Selection of Judean Bronze from Mattathias to Domitian (4): i) Kingdom of Judea, Mattathias Antigonus (40-37 BC), AE 8 Prutot, 'Mattatayah the High Priest and Council of the Jews' (Hebrew), around and between horns of a double cornucopiae, rev. 'of King Antigonus' (Hebrew), ivy wreath tied at top with ribbons hanging down, 13.10g (Hendin 481; Meshorer 30), softened, fine; ii) Roman Judaea, First Revolt (AD 66-70) AE 1/8 Shekel, dated year 4 (69/70), 'To the redemption of Zion' (Paleo-Hebrew)...
26 Sep 2024Unsold 
Nomos AG - obolos 33, Lot 653
JUDAEA, Hasmoneans. Mattathias Antigonos, 40-37 BCE. Middle Bronze (Bronze, 18.5 mm, 7.21 g, 11 h), Jerusalem. Cornucopia tied with ribbons. Rev. ΒΑCΙΛ ΑΝΤΙΓΟ-ΝΟΥ Legends within a wreath. Meshorer 37c. Hendin 6198. HGC 10, 647. Overstruck on a earlier issue. Some roughness, otherwise, about very fine. Starting price: 50 CHF...
8 Sep 2024Unsold 
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 568, Lot 154
JUDAEA, Hasmoneans. Mattathias Antigonos (Mattatayah). 40-37 BCE. Æ Four Prutot (20mm, 7.91 g, 6h). Jerusalem mint. Cornucopia tied with ribbons / Legend within wreath. Meshorer 37c; Hendin 6198; HGC 10, 647. Brown surfaces, deposits, cleaning scratches, reverse struck from a worn die. Good Fine. Estimate: 100 USD...
14 Aug 202480 USD
Your search for 'mattathias' matched 8 lots from auctions added in the last six months.
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