Your search for 'agonistic' matched 82 lots from auctions added in the last six months.
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Auction DatePrice Realized
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 581, Lot 278
MOESIA INFERIOR, Tomis. Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ Tetrassarion (27mm, 11.59 g, 1h). Laureate head right / Agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds; Δ (mark of value) above. RPC VI Online 1866; AMNG I 3278; Varbanov 5405. Brown patina with light brown deposits, small spot of verdigris. Near VF. Very rare, only four recorded in RPC, none in CoinArchives. Estimate: 100 USD...
19 Feb 2025Upcoming
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 581, Lot 287
LYDIA, Tralles. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ (28mm, 9.73 g, 5h). Pythian Games issue. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Two agonistic prize wreathes set on table, pile of five apples between. Kurth 388; RPC X Online 61681. Brown patina, light roughness, die break on obverse, scrape on reverse, die shift. Near VF. Extremely rare, only two in RPC, none in CoinArchives. Estimate: 150 USD...
19 Feb 2025Upcoming
Classical Numismatic Group - Triton XXVIII Online Sessions, Lot 5364
CILICIA, Corycus. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ (33mm, 22.89 g, 4h). Themian Games issue. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Prize table, legs decorated with lion's heads and feet, holding agonistic prize crown containing caduceus, palm frond, and apluster, inscribed ΘЄΜΙΑ and decorated with six apples, single-handled vase below; to right, Dionysus standing left, holding bunch of grapes and filleted thyrsus; between, panther standing left, head right. RPC X Online 604...
22 Jan 2025400 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Triton XXVIII, Lot 456
LYDIA, Sardis. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ (38mm, 27.80 g, 6h). Antonius Rufus, first archon for the third time. AYT KAI M AYP CЄYH ANTΩNЄINOC, laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front, wearing balteus over shoulder / ЄΠI AN POYΦOY APX A TO Γ CAPΔIANΩN B NЄKOPΩN, three agonistic prize crowns, each containing a palm frond, two purses between them; all set on prize table seen in perspective; below, vase with two whips flanking. Hochard 2010 (D223/R500); Kurth 502; BMC 166. Dark green ...
14 Jan 2025650 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Triton XXVIII, Lot 458
LYDIA, Sardis. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (38mm, 26.78 g, 6h). Domitius Rufus, asiarch for the second time, and Kratistos, first archon. AYT K Π ΛIK ΓAΛΛIHNOC AY, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ЄΠI ΔOM POYΦOY ACIAPX K YIOY B APX K KPATICT APX A CAPΔIA/NΩN Γ NЄKOP/ΩN, three agonistic prize crowns, each containing a palm frond, set upon table, seen in perspective. Hochard 2157 corr. (obv. legend; D324/R686); Kurth 719 corr. (same); RPC X Online 84190 corr. (same; thi...
14 Jan 2025650 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 577, Lot 249
MACEDON, Thessalonica. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ Triassarion (27mm, 12.88 g, 1h). Pythian and Kaberian Games issue. Struck AD 241-4. Laureate head right / Prize table, decorated with lion's feet, seen in perspective, holding five apples, agonistic prize crown containing palm frond, and prize purse; ΠY ΘIA in field above, KA BЄI PIA in three lines below. Touratsoglou 187 (V23/R133); RPC VII.2 409.5 (this coin); Varbanov 4595. Slightly rough brown surfaces, obverse die shift, minor smoothing. N...
18 Dec 2024180 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 577, Lot 259
PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ (27.5mm, 15.20 g, 1h). Actian Games issue. Dated CY 171 (AD 234/5). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table, holding agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds flanked by purses, purse at foot of each table leg; IC A KTI OC in three lines below table; ЄT POA (date) in exergue. Çizmeli 271 (D2/R10); RPC VI Online 6544; RG –; SNG BN –. Brown surfaces, roughness, obverse scrape, pitting on reverse. Near...
18 Dec 2024375 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 577, Lot 260
PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ (26mm, 12.95 g, 12h). Actian Games issue. Dated CY 192 (AD 255/6). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize wreath containing A KTI A in three lines, with tablet inscribed A atop; ЄT PЧB (date) below. Çizmeli 418a (D1/R8) = RPC X Online 63713 (this coin cited); RG –; SNG BN –. Mottled red-brown surfaces, cleaning marks, some roughness, edge marks. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Re...
18 Dec 2024225 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 577, Lot 279
CILICIA, Anazarbus. Plautilla. Augusta, AD 202-205. Æ Assarion (17mm, 3.97 g, 6h). Olympic Games issue. Dated CY 221 (AD 202/3). Draped bust right / Agonistic prize crown inscribed OΛYMΠIA. Zeigler 296.3 (Vs1/Rs3, this coin); SNG BN –; SNG Levante 1411. Brown surfaces, light roughness. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Schulten (27 March 1990), lot 802. Estimate: 100 USD...
18 Dec 2024150 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 577, Lot 280
CILICIA, Anazarbus. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Æ Triassarion (31mm, 14.10 g, 6h). Laureate head right / Three agonistic prize crowns set on basis. Zeigler 433.1 (Vs9/Rs34) = RPC VI Online 7271.1 = SNG Levante Supp. 330 (this coin); SNG BN –. Rough brown surfaces with green highlights. Good Fine. Unique, only the Levante specimen known to Zeigler and RPC. From the collections of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Levante Collection (Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 121, 24 Au...
18 Dec 2024190 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 577, Lot 283
CILICIA, Hierapolis-Castabala. Macrinus. AD 217-218. Æ (23mm, 9.38 g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Agonistic prize crown between two palm fronds. Robert, Hierapolis 39; SNG BN –; SNG Levante Supp. 377 (this coin). Brown patina, roughness. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Levante Collection (Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 129, 21 December 2005), lot 234. Estimate: 100 USD...
18 Dec 202470 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 577, Lot 286
CILICIA, Tarsus. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ (36mm, 29.10 g, 7h). Severia Hadriana Olympia Games issue. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table, legs decorated with lion's feet, seen in perspective, holding two agonistic prize crowns, two palm fronds between them; below, two-handled vase. RPC VII.2 3107; SNG BN 1663; SNG Levante 1139. Dark green patina, porosity, areas of weakness, reverse deposits. Good Fine. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, ...
18 Dec 202480 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 577, Lot 288
GALATIA, Ancyra. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ (24mm, 7.98 g, 1h). Iso-Pythian Games issue. Struck AD 215-217. Laureate and draped bust right, seen from behind / Prize table, legs decorated with lion's feet, seen in perspective, holding agonistic prize crown containing palm frond, purse on either side; below, two-handled vase flanked by five apples. Arslan –; SNG BN 2517. Brown patina, light roughness. Near VF. Extremely rare. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Leopo...
18 Dec 2024160 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 577, Lot 305
SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Emesa. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Æ Pentassarion (21mm, 7.80 g, 12h). Bilingual series. Pythian Games issue, honoring Helios. Radiate head right / Agonistic prize crown between two palm fronds; HΛIA/ΠYΘIA/N; below, Є• (mark of value). Nurpetlian, Orontes 43.16; RPC VI Online 8360. Earthen brown patina. Near VF. Estimate: 100 USD...
18 Dec 202460 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 577, Lot 308
COELESYRIA, Heliopolis. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ (26.5mm, 16.18 g, 12h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / COL IVL AVG HEL CERT SACRV CAPET OEC ISE HEL above agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds; laurel branch to left and right. Sawaya 692-5 (D105/R256); RPC X Online 63797. Earthen green patina. Near VF. Very rare, only five specimens known both Sawaya and RPC. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex J. S. Wagner Collection (...
18 Dec 2024120 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 577, Lot 309
COELESYRIA, Heliopolis. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (27mm, 11.24 g, 12h). Certamina Sacra Capitolia Oecumenica Iselastica Heliopolitana Games Issue. Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds. Sawaya Series 69, 704-5 (D106/R261); RPC X Online 63805. Earthen green patina, slight roughness, small flan flaw at edge, cleaning scratches. Good VF. Superior to the Sawaya plate coin. Many cities throughout the eastern portion of the Roman E...
18 Dec 2024300 USD
Leu Numismatik AG - Web Auction 32, Lot 1058
THRACE. Philippopolis. Caracalla, 198-217. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 30 mm, 16.75 g, 1 h), 215. [AYΤ K] M AYP CEYH ANTΩNΕINOC Laureate head of Caracalla to right. Rev. KOINON ΘPAKΩN AΛEΞANΔΡ/EIA EN ΦIΛ/IΠΠOΠO Agonistic prize crown, containing two palms and inscribed ΠYΘIA, set upon table with feet in the form of lion's paws; below, five drawing pebbles. Varbanov 1412. Varbanov, Philippopolis, XV.9.2. Very rare. Slightly rough, otherwise, nearly very fine. From a European collection, formed befo...
7 Dec 202445 CHF
Leu Numismatik AG - Web Auction 32, Lot 1062
THRACE. Philippopolis. Elagabalus, 218-222. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 30 mm, 18.44 g, 1 h), 219-220. AYT K M AYP ANTΩNEINOC Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus to left, seen from behind, holding spear and shield decorated with gorgoneion. Rev. MHTPOΠΟΛEΩC ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛEΩC / NEΩKO/P-OY Athlete, nude, advancing left, head turned back to right, holding wreath in his right hand and palm frond in his left. RPC VI online 520. Varbanov 1690. Varbanov, Philippopolis, XVII.18.1.4. Rare. A beauti...
7 Dec 2024130 CHF
Leu Numismatik AG - Web Auction 32, Lot 1145
CILICIA. Anazarbus. Septimius Severus, 193-211. Hexassarion (Bronze, 39 mm, 32.38 g, 6 h), circa 199/200. AYT KAI Λ CЄΠ CЄOYHPOC ΠЄPT CЄΒ Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus to right. Rev. ЄΝ ΚΟΔΡЄΙΓΑΙC OPOIC ANAZAPBЄⲰΝ Price crown inscribed CЄOYHPЄIA and flanked by two palm fronds; above, ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ; below, ЄΠΙΝЄΙΚΙΑ. SNG Levante -. SNG Leypold -. SNG Paris -. SNG PFPS -. Ziegler -, cf. 289 (differing bust type and reverse legend). Apparently unpublished. A bold and impressi...
7 Dec 20243,200 CHF
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Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 304
THRACE, Anchialus. Septimius Severus. AD 193-211. Æ Pentassarion (28mm, 13.87 g, 7h). Severian and Nymphian Games issue. Struck circa AD 205. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Two agonistic prize baskets, each containing palm frond, set upon table; CЄBHPIA NVMΦIA below. Tachev, Anchialos 192 (O19/R61, this coin); Varbanov 272. Dark brown patina, minor marks and scratches. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Gorny & Mosch 122 (10 M...
4 Dec 2024325 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 305
THRACE, Anchialus. Septimius Severus. AD 193-211. Æ Pentassarion (25mm, 11.85 g, 6h). Severian and Nymphian Games issue. Struck circa AD 208. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize crown containing palm frond, set upon table; CЄBHPIA NVMΦIA below. Tachev, Anchialos 572 (O31/R185); Varbanov 276. Dark green patina, cleaning marks, smoothing. Good VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 2024130 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 306
THRACE, Anchialus. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ Pentassarion (27mm, 11.00 g, 1h). Severian and Nymphian Games issue. Struck circa AD 208. Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize crown containing palm frond, set upon table; CЄBHPIA NVMΦIA below. Tachev, Anchialos 207 (O16/R186); Varbanov 391 corr. (bust). Green patina, light porosity, flan crack. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Lanz 62 (26 November 1992), lot 727. Estimate...
4 Dec 2024110 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 307
THRACE, Anchialus. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ Pentassarion (28mm, 14.59 g, 7h). Severian and Nymphian Games issue. Struck circa AD 205. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Two agonistic prize baskets, each containing palm frond, set upon table; CЄBHPIA NVMΦIA below. Tachev, Anchialos 57 (O6/R65, this coin); Varbanov 404 var. (obv. legend). Dark brown patina, small scrapes. Near EF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Lanz 114 (26 May 2003...
4 Dec 2024180 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 312
THRACE, Perinthus. Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ Assarion (17mm, 2.88 g, 12h). Laureate head right / Agonistic prize basket containing two palm fronds. Schönert, Perinthos 770; RPC VI Online 1100.4 = Varbanov 450 (this coin). Brown patina, some weakness in reverse legend. EF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Lanz 114 (26 May 2003), lot 560. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 2024350 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 323
THRACE, Traianopolis. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ Assarion (18mm, 3.07 g, 1h). Laureate head right / Agonistic prize urn containing two palm fronds. Schönert-Geiss, Augusta Traiana 125; Varbanov 2772. Green patina, a few light cleaning marks. Near EF. A bold portrait of Caracalla. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Brian Kritt, September 1997. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 2024Unsold 
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 324
MACEDON, Koinon of Macedon. temp. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ (26mm, 12.27 g, 7h). Commemorating the Koinon's second Neokorate and Olympic Games. Beroea mint. Head of Alexander the Great right, with flowing hair; below, wreath / Prize table seen in perspective, holding two agonistic prize crowns containing palm fronds; above, star; OΛ/YM/ΠIA in three lines below table. RPC VII.2 212.2 (this coin); AMNG –. Red-brown surfaces with green and earthen deposits, area of weak strike, flan adjustment m...
4 Dec 2024425 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 325
MACEDON, Koinon of Macedon. temp. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ (26mm, 13.62 g, 6h). Commemorating the Koinon's second Neokorate. Beroea mint. Head of Alexander the Great right, wearing lion's skin headdress / Prize table seen in perspective, holding two agonistic prize crowns containing palm fronds; above, star. RPC VII.2 269.8 (this coin); AMNG 762-3 var. (obv. legend). Green patina, light roughness, obverse scrape. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex CNG inve...
4 Dec 2024300 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 327
MACEDON, Thessalonica. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ Triassarion (25mm, 11.47 g, 1h). Kabirian Pythian Games issue. Struck AD 241-4. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize crown containing palm frond; KA BI PЄIA in field; ΠYΘIA on crown. Touratsoglou 94 var. (V22/R– [rev. die unrecorded, obv. die not recorded for this type]); RPC VII.2 369; Varbanov 4615 corr. (reference no.). Red-brown patina, porosity, minor deposits, cleaning marks. Good Fine. Rare varie...
4 Dec 2024250 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 328
MACEDON, Thessalonica. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ Triassarion (25mm, 11.03 g, 7h). Caesarean Pythian Games issue. Struck AD 241-4. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Agonistic prize crown containing palm frond, star below; KЄCA PЄIA in field; ΠYΘIA on crown. Touratsoglou 96 (V20/R71); RPC VII.2 369; Varbanov 4615 corr. (reference no.). Mottled green patina, flan flaws, some roughness and smoothing. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.)...
4 Dec 202490 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 329
MACEDON, Thessalonica. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ Triassarion (25.5mm, 9.09 g, 7h). Pythian Games issue. Struck AD 241-4. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table seen in perspective, holding five apples, agonistic prize crown containing palm frond, and prize purse; below, urn; ΠY ΘIA in field above. Touratsoglou 186 (V15/R132a); RPC VII.2 414.3 (this coin); Varbanov 4595. Dark green patina, reverse die flaw, flan adjustment marks. VF. Very rare, only three re...
4 Dec 2024325 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 330
MACEDON, Thessalonica. Philip I. AD 244-249. Æ Triassarion (25mm, 8.79 g, 1h). Pythian Games issue. Struck AD 244-5. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table seen in perspective, holding urn, agonistic prize crown containing palm frond, and holding five apples; ΠYΘIA below. Touratsoglou 33 (V6/R29); RPC VIII Online 69560 (this coin cited); Varbanov 4666. Red-brown surfaces, spots of green, some roughness. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Mila...
4 Dec 2024140 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 331
MACEDON, Thessalonica. Philip I. AD 244-249. Æ Triassarion (26mm, 10.21 g, 7h). Pythian Games issue. Struck AD 245-9. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize crown containing five apples and palm frond; Π Y ΘIA ΔI B in field. Touratsoglou 44 (V5/R38); RPC VIII Online 69583; Varbanov 4687. Dark green patina, lathing mark, edge damage, flan adjustment marks. Good VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Pete Burbule...
4 Dec 202480 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 332
MACEDON, Thessalonica. Otacilia Severa. Augusta, AD 244-249. Æ Triassarion (25mm, 12.16 g, 7h). Pythian Games issue. Struck AD 244-5. Draped bust right, wearing stephane / Agonistic prize crown containing palm frond; ΠYΘIA on crown. Touratsoglou – (V1/R– [rev. type and die unlisted]); RPC VIII Online 70498 (this coin cited); Varbanov –. Red-brown surfaces, some roughness, flan crack, obverse off center. VF. Very rare. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased fr...
4 Dec 2024225 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 334
MACEDON, Thessalonica. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ Triassarion (22.5mm, 7.10 g, 12h). Pythian Games issue. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table seen in perspective, holding two agonistic prize crowns containing palm fronds. Touratsoglou 9 (V3/R9); RPC X Online 61769 (this coin cited); Varbanov 4767 var. (obv. legend). Earthen green patina, cleaning scratches. Near VF. Very rare. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Br...
4 Dec 2024110 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 337
PHOCIS, Delphi. Diva Faustina Senior. Died AD 140/1. Æ Assarion (22mm, 7.17 g, 1h). Pythian Games issue. Draped bust right, wearing pearls on top of head / Pize table seen in perspective, holding agonistic prize crown, five apples, and crow standing left; ΠYΘIA around. Svoronos, Delphi 90; BCD Lokris 410; RPC IV.1 4602; NCP p. 122, 2; BMC 38. Dark brown patina, light roughness. Good Fine. From the collections of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from BCD, September 1999. Ex BC...
4 Dec 2024120 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 341
PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ (30.5mm, 15.57 g, 1h). Games issue. Dated CY 171 (AD 234/5). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table, holding agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds; below, urn with two palm fronds; flanking table legs, prize crown containing palm frond; ЄT POA (date) in exergue. Çizmeli 270b (D2/R9) = RPC VI Online 6551.8 (this coin); RG 45; SNG von Aulock 105. Brown patina, slight porosity. VF. Rare, only two ...
4 Dec 2024275 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 342
PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ (27.5mm, 15.44 g, 7h). Actian Games issue. Dated CY 178 (AD 241/2). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table, holding agonistic prize wreath with A atop; beneath table, palm frond; ЄT POH (date) below. Çizmeli 305 (D2/R9); RG 57b; RPC VII.2 2840.9 (this coin); SNG BN 1756. Dark brown patina, spots of green verdigris. Good VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Victor En...
4 Dec 2024110 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 343
PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ (30mm, 14.87 g, 7h). Games issue. Dated CY 178 (AD 241/2). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Garlanded altar supporting agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds; ЄT POH (date) below. Çizmeli 326 (D6/R32); RG 53a; RPC VII.2 2818.5 (this coin); SNG BN 1750. Red-brown patina, obverse corrosion, slight double strike on reverse. VF. Rare. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased fro...
4 Dec 2024300 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 344
PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ (29mm, 14.66 g, 6h). Actian Games issue. Dated CY 178 (AD 241/2). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Altar inscribed AKTIA supporting agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds, flanked by purses; ЄT POH (date) below. Çizmeli 351 (D8/R31); RG –; RPC VII.2 2826.7 (this coin); SNG BN –. Green-brown surfaces, some deposits. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Bill Porte...
4 Dec 2024120 USD
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Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 345
PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ (28mm, 17.26 g, 6h). Pontic Games issue. Dated CY 178 (AD 241/2). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Altar with curved legs supporting agonistic prize crown containing palm frond; ЄT PO H (date) below. Çizmeli 352 (D8/R8); RG 51; RPC VII.2 2830.12 (this coin); SNG BN 1758. Earthen green patina, slight roughness, cleaning marks. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Bria...
4 Dec 2024150 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 346
PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ (26mm, 11.88 g, 1h). Actian Games issue. Dated CY 192 (AD 255/6). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize wreath with A atop; ЄT PЧB (date) below. Çizmeli 415 (D1/R5); RG 65; RPC X Online 63712 (this coin cited); SNG BN 1783. Red-brown patina, light porosity, cleaning scratches. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Peus 378 (28 April 2004), lot 1052. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 2024375 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 347
PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (26mm, 12.61 g, 6h). Actian Games issue. Dated CY 199 (AD 262/3). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Altar supporting agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds; ЄT PЧΘ (date) below. Cf. Çizmeli 449 (D–/R– [both dies unrecorded]); RG 74; RPC X Online 78789 (this coin cited); SNG BN –. Dark green patina, spots of verdigris, reverse off center. Near EF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), ...
4 Dec 2024120 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 348
PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (25.5mm, 15.02 g, 6h). Actian Games issue. Dated CY 199 (AD 262/3). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize wreath with A atop; ЄT PЧΘ (date) below. Cf. Çizmeli 453 (D7/R– [rev. die unrecorded, obv. die not recorded for this rev. type]); RG 71; RPC X Online 63729 (this coin cited); SNG BN 1791. Green patina with earthen highlights, some roughness. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Re...
4 Dec 202480 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 351
BITHYNIA, Nicaea. Septimius Severus. AD 193-211. Æ Diassarion (27mm, 9.37 g, 1h). Games of "Severan Brotherly Love" issue. Laureate head right / Agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds, decorated with six apples. RG –; Gorny & Mosch E-306, lot 1095, otherwise unpublished. Rough brown patina, flan crack. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Frank Kovacs, December 1996. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 2024100 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 352
BITHYNIA, Nicaea. Septimius Severus. AD 193-211. Æ Chalkous (14mm, 2.00 g, 1h). Games of "Severan Brotherly Love" issue. Laureate head right / Agonistic prize crown containing palm frond. RG –; Gorny & Mosch E-306, lot 1114, otherwise unpublished. Dark brown patina, roughness an light porosity. VF. Very rare, unpublished. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Münzen und Medaillen GmbH 5 (21 October 1999), lot 310. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 2024325 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 354
BITHYNIA, Nicaea. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ Chalkous (15mm, 2.13 g, 12h). Games of "Severan Brotherly Love" issue. Laureate head right / Agonistic prize urn containing two palm fronds. RG 489. Dark green patina, some roughness. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Wayne Sayles, December 1999. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 2024100 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 355
BITHYNIA, Nicaea. Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ Assarion (22mm, 6.21 g, 12h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table, holding agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds, flanked by purses; below, urn; at foot of each table, prize crown containing palm frond. RG –; RPC VI Online 3240.3 (this coin). Green patina, minor marks and cleaning scratches, trace deposits, edge flaw. Good VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purc...
4 Dec 2024500 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 356
BITHYNIA, Nicaea. Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ Assarion (22mm, 4.15 g, 1h). Laureate head right / Agonistic prize crown containing palm frond, decorated with four apples. RG 620; RPC VI Online 3185.13 (this coin). Green patina, some roughness, deposits, reverse die shift. Good VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Marcus R. Weder, June 2003. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 2024Unsold 
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 357
BITHYNIA, Prusa ad Olympum. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ Triassarion (23.5mm, 5.66 g, 6h). Pythian Games issue. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Two agonistic prize crowns; left containing palm frond, right with five apples above; each basket decorated with five apples; ΠYΘIA below. RG 185; RPC X Online 74731 (this coin cited). Rough green-brown patina, cleaning marks, earthen highlights, some flatness. Good Fine. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, U...
4 Dec 202460 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 358
BITHYNIA, Prusa ad Olympum. Salonina. Augusta, AD 254-268. Æ Triassarion (22.5mm, 6.03 g, 12h). Draped bust right, wearing stephane / Two agonistic prize crowns; left containing palm frond, right with five apples above; each basket decorated with five apples; ΠYΘIA below. RG 186; RPC X Online 74732 (this coin cited). Green patina, light porosity, cleaning marks. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Lanz 125 (28 November 2005), lot 1014. Estimate: 100 U...
4 Dec 202460 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 380
LYDIA, Tralles. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (21mm, 3.87 g, 6h). Pythian Games issue. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds, inscribed ΠYΘIA. Kurth 424; RPC X Online 61703 (this coin cited). Green patina with earthen highlights, slight porosity. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Aufhäuser 7 (9 October 1990), lot 646. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 202460 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 381
LYDIA, Tripolis. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (30mm, 12.69 g, 6h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table, legs decorated with lion's heads and feet, holding agonistic prize crown inscribed ΛHTΩ ЄIA in two lines, flanked by purses; ΠY ΘI A in three lines below table. Kurth 182 corr. (two palms); RPC X Online 61717. Earthen green patina, slight roughness. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Brian Kritt, May 1991....
4 Dec 2024Unsold 
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 388
PHRYGIA, Synnada. temp. Trajan Decius. AD 249-251. Æ (25.5mm, 7.06 g, 11h). Aurelius Tlepolemos, archon and agonothetes, of equestrian rank. Bare head of Herakles right / Agonistic prize crown decorated with five apples, containing two palm fronds. RPC IX 892; BMC 28. Red-brown surfaces, some roughness. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Leopoldo Cancio, June 1997. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 2024225 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 391
PAMPHYLIA, Side. Julia Soaemias. Augusta, AD 218-222. Æ (24mm, 8.87 g, 6h). Draped bust right / Prize table, seen in perspective, holding agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds, inscribed CIΔHTΩN, flanked by purses; below, urn. RPC VI Online 6407.4 (this coin); SNG BN –; SNG Pfälzer 717. Earthen green patina, roughness, deposits, lamination flaws. VF. Very rare, only four recorded in RPC. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Dennis Devine, Se...
4 Dec 2024475 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 392
PAMPHYLIA, Side. Maximinus I. AD 235-238. Æ (25mm, 7.40 g, 12h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table holding agonistic prize crown containing two crossed palm fronds, flanked by purses; below, urn. RPC VI Online 6448; SNG BN 848; SNG Pfälzer 736. Green patina, some roughness, flan flaws. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), purchased from Brian Kritt, December 1996. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 2024Unsold 
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 393
PAMPHYLIA, Side. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ Hendekassarion (33mm, 15.89 g, 7h). Commemorating Side's first Neokorate. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, supported by eagle below with wings displayed, head right; IA (mark of value) before / Prize table holding agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds; below, urn flanked by palm fronds. RPC X Online 62508 (this coin cited); SNG BN 925; SNG Pfälzer 736. Green-brown surfaces, some roughness, reverse die shift. VF. From the collect...
4 Dec 2024275 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 401
CILICIA, Anazarbus. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Æ Triassarion (28mm, 13.96 g, 5h). Hadrianic Games issue. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table, seen in perspective, holding agonistic prize crown. Ziegler 428 (Vs6/Rs22) = RPC VI Online 7296.6&8 (this coin); SNG BN 2065; SNG Levante Supp. 331. Yellow-brown surfaces, porosity. Good Fine. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Schulten [26] (27 March 1990), lot 820. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 20241,500 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 402
CILICIA, Anazarbus. Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ Tetrassarion (29mm, 16.94 g, 12h). Severan Victory and Olympic Games issue. Dated CY 249 (AD 230/1). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Agonistic prize crown containing palm frond, flanked by two palm fronds. Ziegler 584 (Vs1/Rs2) = RPC VI Online 7374.1 = SNG Levante 1467 (this coin); SNG BN –. Red-brown surfaces, slight roughness, obverse die flaw. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.)...
4 Dec 20241,100 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 403
CILICIA, Anazarbus. Hostilian. As Caesar, AD 250-251. Æ Triassarion (24mm, 11.07 g, 6h). Dated CY 268 (AD 250). Bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize crown containing palm frond; inscribed ΔЄKIOC. Ziegler 745 (Vs3/Rs2); RPC IX 1476.3 (this coin); SNG BN 2125; SNG Levante 1502. Dark green patina, some roughness. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Aufhäuser 8 (9 October 1991), lot 540. Estimate: 100 USD...
4 Dec 2024650 USD
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Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 404
CILICIA, Anazarbus. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ Triassarion (26mm, 15.01 g, 11h). Dated CY 272 (AD 253/4). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Tyche standing left, wearing kalathos, holding agonistic prize crown in both hands. Ziegler 806.46 (Vs1/Rs1) = RPC X Online 60242 (this coin cited); SNG BN 2141; SNG Levante 1521-2. Yellow-brown surfaces, slight roughness, flan adjustment marks. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Hirsch 165 ...
4 Dec 2024Unsold 
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 405
CILICIA, Anazarbus. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ Triassarion (26mm, 12.88 g, 6h). Dated CY 272 (AD 253/4). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Prize table, legs decorated with lion's heads and feet, seen in perspective, holding agonistic prize crown containing palm frond. Ziegler 808.50 (Vs3/Rs2 this coin); RPC X Online 60244; SNG BN 2144; SNG Levante 1524. Green-brown patina, slight roughness, off center. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (R...
4 Dec 202460 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 406
CILICIA, Anazarbus. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ Triassarion (23mm, 11.71 g, 6h). Dated CY 272 (AD 253/4). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Prize table, legs decorated with lion's heads and feet, seen in perspective, holding agonistic prize crown. Ziegler 812.12 (Vs1/Rs7 this coin); RPC X Online 60247; SNG BN 2146; SNG Levante 1523. Brown patina, slight roughness, obverse edge flaw. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Rauch 44 (12...
4 Dec 2024550 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 408
CILICIA, Corycus. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ (29mm, 12.88 g, 5h). Themian Games issue. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Prize table, legs decorated with lion's heads and feet, holding agonistic prize crown containing caduceus, palm frond, and apluster, inscribed ΘЄΜΙΑ and decorated with six apples; to right, Dionysus standing left, holding bunch of grapes and filleted thyrsus; between, panther standing left, head right. RPC X Online 60499; SNG BN 1122-25 var. (re...
4 Dec 202490 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 409
CILICIA, Hierapolis-Castabala. Diadumenian. As Caesar, AD 217-218. Æ (21mm, 9.63 g, 12h). Sacred Games issue. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize crown between two lighted torches. Robert, Hierapolis 40; SNG BN 2242; SNG Levante –. Glossy brown patina, smoothing and cleaning scratches. VF. Rare. The only bronze coin struck at this city for Diadumenian. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Classical Numismatic Group Electr...
4 Dec 2024275 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 410
CILICIA, Syedra. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ Octassarion (28mm, 13.00 g, 1h). Themian Games issue. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind; H (mark of value) to right / Prize table holding two agonistic prize crowns, each containing two palm fronds; ΘЄ/ΜΙΑ below. RPC X Online 60536 = SNG Levante 435 (this coin); SNG BN –. Dark green patina, slight roughness, reverse double struck and slightly off center. VF. Rare. The only coin listed on RPC on-line. From the collections of...
4 Dec 2024850 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 412
CILICIA, Tarsus. Hadrian. AD 117-138. Æ (27.5mm, 17.33 g, 7h). Commodeian Games issue. Bust right, wearing crown and garments of the demiourgos, seen from the front / Agonistic prize crown inscribed KOMOΔЄ, decorated with ten apples. RPC III 5845.3 = SNG Levante 1019 (this coin); SNG BN 1466. Green-brown patina with light earthen highlights, slight roughness, cleaning marks. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Edoardo Levante Collection (Classical Numism...
4 Dec 2024475 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 417
CILICIA, Tarsus. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ (35mm, 12.22 g, 7h). Games issue. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table, legs decorated with lion's feet, seen in perspective, holding agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds, decorated with six wreaths and inscribed OIKOYMЄNIKOC. RPC VII.2 3016.6 (this coin); SNG BN 1701; SNG Levante –. Green patina with earthen highlights, roughness, obverse scrape, edge flaw. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anth...
4 Dec 2024275 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 418
CILICIA, Tarsus. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ (32mm, 15.46 g, 7h). Severia Hadriana Olympia Games issue. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table, legs decorated with lion's feet, seen in perspective, holding three agonistic prize crowns. RPC X Online 60610 (this coin cited); SNG BN 1820; SNG Levante 1185. Brown patina, roughness, a few cleaning marks. Good Fine. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Malloy 34 (21 October 1992), lot 44...
4 Dec 2024400 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 433
SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Emesa. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Æ Pentassarion (23mm, 9.13 g, 6h). Bilingual series. Pythian Games issue, honoring Helios. Radiate head right / Agonistic prize crown between two palm fronds; HΛIA/ΠYΘIA; below, •Є• (mark of value). Nurpetlian, Orontes 43; RPC VI Online 8370.11 (this coin). Green patina with earthen highlights, some roughness, cleaning marks. VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.). Ex Münzen und Medaillen Deutschland 14 (16 April 2...
4 Dec 2024375 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 434
SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Emesa. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Æ Pentassarion (22.5mm, 8.72 g, 6h). Bilingual series. Pythian Games issue, honoring Helios. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize crown between two palm fronds; HΛIA/ΠYΘIA; below, •Э• (mark of value). Nurpetlian, Orontes 43 var. (bust, rev. legend arrangement); RPC VI Online 8364.4 (this coin). Red-brown surfaces, roughness, spot of verdigris. Near VF. From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic...
4 Dec 2024600 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 435
SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Emesa. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Æ Pentassarion (22mm, 6.78 g, 6h). Bilingual series. Pythian Games issue, honoring Helios. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize crown between two palm fronds; ΠYΘIA/HΛIA; Є (mark of value) in legend. Nurpetlian, Orontes 43 var. (bust, rev. legend arrangement); RPC VI Online 8362.2 (this coin). Dark brown patina, roughness, small scuff on obverse. Near VF. Extremely rare, only two known to RPC. From ...
4 Dec 2024425 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 436
COELESYRIA, Heliopolis. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ (24mm, 12.55 g, 1h). Capitoline Games issue. 8th emission, AD 256/7. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Prize table, legs decorated with lion's heads and feet, holding agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds, inscribed [CERT CAP OEC]; below, urn. Sawaya Série 66, 687-9 (D105/R253); RPC X Online 63795 (this coin cited). Red-brown surfaces, porosity, edge flaw. Good Fine. Very rare. From the collection of Ma...
4 Dec 2024100 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 576, Lot 437
COELESYRIA, Heliopolis. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (25.5mm, 12.42 g, 12h). 8th emission of Valerian I, AD 256/7. Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Two nude athletes seated on rocks, facing each other, each raising hand to crown himself, both supporting an agonistic prize crown with two palm fronds between them; below, grain ear; to right behind rock, cypress tree, to left behind rock, tree or grain ear. Sawaya Série 68, 703 (D106/R238); RPC X Online 63802 (this coin cited)...
4 Dec 2024400 USD
Numismatica Ars Classica - Auction 150, Lot 534
Catana Tetradrachm circa 465-450, AR 26 mm, 16.68 g. The river-God Amenanos as bearded man-headed bull r., r. leg bent at knee; above, naked Silenus leaping r.; below, sea-monster. Rev. KATANAION Nike, wearing long chiton, standing r. and holding taenia in outstretched l. hand. And taenia in r. hand. Rizzo pl. IX, 14 var. (this obverse die but Nike l.) Jameson 534. Biucchi, ANS NS 18, –. Extremely rare. Perfectly centred and with a lovely iridescent tone. Obverse from a rusty die and ...
2 Dec 202425,000 CHF
Numismatica Ars Classica - Auction 150, Lot 562
Syracuse Decadrachm signed by Euainetos circa 405-400 BC, AR 35 mm, 42.76 g. Fast quadriga driven l. by charioteer, holding reins and kentron; in field above, Nike flying r. to crown him. In exergue, display of military harness set on two steps and below, [ΑΘΛΑ]. Rev. ΣΥ – ΡΑΚ – Ο – ΣΙ – ΩΝ Head of Arethusa (Kore-Persephone) l., wearing barley-wreath, triple pendant earring and beaded necklace. Around, three dolphins, while a fourth makes dorsal contact with neck truncation; beneath, [EY...
2 Dec 202448,000 CHF
The Coin Cabinet Ltd. - Ancients Auction 15, Lot 263
ROMAN PROVINCIAL. BITHYNIA, NICAEA. Valerian I, with Gallienus and Valerian II (Caesar). Bronze Tetrassarion, AD 256-258. Obv: AYT OYAΛEPIANOC ΓAΛΛIHNOC OYAΛEPIANOC KAIC in four lines, radiate, draped and cuirassed busts of Valerian I and Valerian II on left, facing radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus on right, CEB below. Rev: MEΓICTΩN APICTΩN, three agonistic crowns, outer two with single palm frond, central with two; NIKAIEΩN in exergue. Very Fine. Reference: BMC-151; RG-823;...
31 Oct 2024Unsold 
Eid Mar Auctions GmbH - Auction 5, Lot 312
Roman Provincial Cilicia, Anazarbos, Valerian I, 253-260 AD. AE Hexassarion (27 mm, 11.00 g.). CY 272 = 253-254 AD. AYT K OYAΛЄPIANOC Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian I to right. Rev. ANAZAPBOY ЄΝΔOΞ MHT ЄT BOC• Tyche standing left, holding agonistic crown with both hands. SNG Levante 1521-1522. SNG Paris 2141-2143. Very Fine. Estimate: 12 EUR Starting price: 10 EUR...
27 Oct 202410 EUR
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 573, Lot 409
CILICIA, Hierapolis-Castabala. Diadumenian. As Caesar, AD 217-218. Æ (21mm, 11.47 g, 12h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Agonistic prize-crown between two lighted torches. SNG BN 2242; SNG Levante –. Earthen green patina. Near VF. Rare. The only bronze coin struck at this city for Diadumenian. Estimate: 100 USD...
23 Oct 2024110 USD
Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 573, Lot 440
COELESYRIA, Heliopolis. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ (27mm, 16.64 g, 12h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Nike standing right vis-à-vis Hermes, standing left, holding caduceus, both with foot on globe, ear of grain between them; above, agonistic prize crown with two palm fronds. Sawaya Series – (D103/R–[unlisted rev. die]); RPC X Online 63809. Earthen green patina. VF. Extremely rare, only one in RPC, the second known. Sawaya identifies the reverse of this type, ...
23 Oct 2024500 USD
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Classical Numismatic Group - Electronic Auction 573, Lot 441
COELESYRIA, Heliopolis. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (27mm, 11.24 g, 12h). Certamina Sacra Capitolia Oecumenica Iselastica Heliopolitana Games Issue. Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Agonistic prize crown containing two palm fronds. Sawaya Series 69, 704-5 (D106/R261); RPC X Online 63805. Earthen green patina, slight roughness, small flan flaw at edge, cleaning scratches. Good VF. Superior to the Sawaya plate coin. Many cities throughout the eastern portion of the Roman E...
23 Oct 2024500 USD
Nomos AG - obolos 33, Lot 897
PHOENICIA. Tyre. Gordian III, 238-244. AE (Bronze, 25 mm, 10.04 g, 6 h). IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gordian III to right, seen from front. Rev. COL TYR METROP / ACTIA / HERACL Two agonistic crowns on table; on each side, palm branch; below, murex shell. Rouvier 2438. RPC VII.2 3592. Very rare, only 6 known to RPC. Earthen deposits, otherwise, very fine. Starting price: 50 CHF...
8 Sep 202490 CHF
Leu Numismatik AG - Web Auction 31, Lot 883
CILICIA. Corycus. Valerian I, 253-260. Octassarion (Bronze, 32 mm, 20.01 g, 6 h). AY K ΠO ΛIK OYAΛЄPIAN/OC Radiate and cuirassed bust of Valerian I to right. Rev. KΩPY/KIΩTΩN AY NAYA-PX/I/C Agonistic crown, containing caduceus, palm frond and aplustre, inscribed Θ[ЄΜΙΑ] and set upon table with feet ending in lion heads; to right, Dionysos standing front, head to left, holding bunch of grapes in his right hand and long thyrsus in his left; at his feet to left, panther standing left, looking bac...
7 Sep 2024140 CHF
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