Jesus Vico S.A. > Auction 171Auction date: 12 November 2024
Lot number: 1210

Price realized: 240 EUR   (Approx. 255 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

IMPERIO ROMANO. RÓMULO. Follis. Acuñación póstuma. Ostia (309-312). A/ Cabeza a der.; DIVO ROMVLO N V BIS CONS. R/ Mausoleo abovedado rematado en águila; AETERNA MEMORIA. -/-//MOSTS. AE 6,38 g. 24,3 mm. RIC-34. MBC-. Escasa.

Starting price: 200 EUR

Match 1:
Numisart GmbH > Auction 7Auction date: 17 November 2024
Lot number: 252

Price realized: 375 EUR   (Approx. 397 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Divus Romulus (died AD 309). Follis (AE, 25 mm, 6.14 g), Ostia mint, c. 310–312.

DIVO ROMVLO N V BIS CONS Bare head of Divus Romulus right / AETERNAE MEMORIAE Doomed shrine with open door surmounted by eagle standing facing, wings spread and head left; MOSTP in exergue.

RIC 34.

Rare. Attractive portrait. Dark toning. Slightly rough surface. Almost extremely fine.

Starting price: 250 EUR

Match 2:
Jesus Vico S.A. > Auction 171Auction date: 12 November 2024
Lot number: 162

Price realized: 3,000 EUR   (Approx. 3,183 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

IMPERIO ROMANO. NERÓN. Lugdunum. Sestercio (62-68 d.C.). A/ Cabeza laureada a izq.; IMP NERO CAESAR AVG PONT MAX TR POT P P. R/ Arco triunfal rematado por cuadriga conducida por el emperadory adornado con esculturas; S-C. AE 24,3 g. 35,2 mm. RIC-500. Bonita pátina verde claro. EBC-/MBC.

Starting price: 3000 EUR

Match 3:
Jesus Vico S.A. > Auction 171Auction date: 12 November 2024
Lot number: 1120

Price realized: Unsold
Lot description:

IMPERIO ROMANO. VESPASIANO. Denario forrado. Roma (74 d.C.). A/ Cabeza laureada a der.; IMP CAES VESPASIANVS AVG. R/ Vespasiano sentado a der. con rama y cetro; PON MAX TR P COS V. AE 2,82 g. 17,8 mm. RIC-702 sim. Oxidaciones. MBC+.

Starting price: 150 EUR

Match 4:
Jesus Vico S.A. > Auction 171Auction date: 12 November 2024
Lot number: 182

Price realized: 6,750 EUR   (Approx. 7,161 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

IMPERIO ROMANO. JULIA DOMNA. Roma. Áureo (193-196). A/ Busto drapeado a der.; IVLIA DOMNA AVG. R/ Venus de espaldas a der., apoyada en una columna, con manzana y palma; VENERI VICTR. AU 7,31 g. 20,3 mm. RIC-536; Cal.-2641. MBC+. Muy escasa.
Ex subasta Numismatica Ars Classica 51 (5-III-2009), lote 1067.

Starting price: 4500 EUR

Match 5:
Jesus Vico S.A. > Auction 171Auction date: 12 November 2024
Lot number: 1215

Price realized: 35 EUR   (Approx. 37 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

IMPERIO ROMANO. CRISPO. Follis. Roma (320). A/ Busto laureado, acorazado, con lanza y escudo a izq.; CRISPVS NOB CAES. R/ Roma sentada a izq. escribiendo en escudo con X/V; ROMA AETERNAE. -//REUCS. AE 2,95 g. 20,3 mm. RIC-197. Pátina verde rugosa. MBC.

Starting price: 25 EUR