Oslo Myntgalleri AS > Auction 39Auction date: 23 November 2024
Lot number: 1277

Price realized: 200,000 NOK   (Approx. 18,095 USD / 17,216 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Hadrian, AD 117-138. AV aureus (7,33 g; 20 mm ). Rome mint, struck AD 125-128. Laureate head right, drapery on left shoulder / She-wolf standing right, suckling Romulus and Remus. Very light traces of cleaning in reverse field. Boldly struck on a broad flan and with a wonderful portrait in high relief. Lustrous fields., Calicó 1231, RIC II.3, 711, BMCRE 444-447, Grade: 01, Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, auction 31, 26.10.2005, lot 41; Ex H.D. Rauch, auction 102, 7.11.2016, lot 65

Starting price: 80000 NOK

Match 1:
Oslo Myntgalleri AS > Auction 39Auction date: 23 November 2024
Lot number: 1268

Price realized: 440,000 NOK   (Approx. 39,810 USD / 37,875 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Claudius, AD 41-54. AV aureus (7,71 g; 19 mm). Rome mint, struck AD 46-47. Laureate head right / Battlemented wall inscribed IMPER. RECEPT enclosing praetorian camp; Fides Praetorianorum stands left within wall, holding spear in right hand, aquila standing before him; behind, a pediment with fortified flanking walls. Small mark on cheek of Claudius and some marks/scuffs along edge. A spectacular specimen with incredibly sharp strike on both sides. Extremey rare variant., Calicó 362 (this coin), RIC I 36, BMCRE 37, Grade: 01, From the Biaggi Collection; Ex Münzen & Medaillen AG Basel, auction XIII, 17.6.1954, lot 638; Ex H.D. Rauch, auction 102, 7.11.2016, lot 38

Starting price: 150000 NOK

Match 2:
Oslo Myntgalleri AS > Auction 39Auction date: 23 November 2024
Lot number: 1266

Price realized: 220,000 NOK   (Approx. 19,905 USD / 18,937 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Tiberius, AD 14-37. AV aureus (7,74 g; 18 mm). Lugdunum mint, struck AD 18-35. Laureate head right / Livia (as Pax) seated right on throne with ornamented legs, placing feet on footstol, holding branch, and resting on scepter. A few insignificant marks in fields and on edge. A spectacular portrait and fine lustrous fields. Attractive light gold toning., Calicó 305c, RIC I 29, BMCRE 46, Grade: 0/01, Ex Gorny & Mosch, auction 224, 13.10.2014, lot 450; Purchased from Numismatica Ars Classica. Dealer's ticket included

Starting price: 80000 NOK

Match 3:
Oslo Myntgalleri AS > Auction 39Auction date: 23 November 2024
Lot number: 1282

Price realized: 480,000 NOK   (Approx. 43,429 USD / 41,318 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Septimius Severus, with Caracalla and Geta as Caesar, AD 193-211. AV aureus (7,23 g; 20 mm). Rome mint, struck AD 201. Laureate head right / Confronted busts of Caracalla on the left, laureate, draped and cuirassed, and Geta on the right, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed. Small flan flaw at seven o`clock and very minor strenghtening of detail in hair of Caracalla and Geta. Otherwise, a clear and attractive specimen of this intriguing dynastic issue., RIC IV, 174, Calicó 2602, BMCRE 254, Grade: 01, From the Marc Melcher Collection; Ex Busso Peus, auction 333, 6-11.5.1992, lot 824, Ex Busso Peus, auction 337, 3-9.11.1993, lot 435; Ex SBV, auction 35, 13-15.9.1994, lot 156; Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Triton VI, 14.1.2003, lot 926; Ex Fritz Rudolf Künker, auction 304, 19.3.2018, lot 1233

Starting price: 175000 NOK

Match 4:
Oslo Myntgalleri AS > Auction 39Auction date: 23 November 2024
Lot number: 1265

Price realized: 70,000 NOK   (Approx. 6,333 USD / 6,026 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Augustus, 27 BC-AD 14. AV aureus (7,84 g; 20 mm). Lugdunum mint, struck 2 BC-AD 4. Laureate head right / Caius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, shields and spears between them; simpulum and lituus in upper field. Well struck and with a very attractive portrait. Some traces of luster in the recesses., Calicó 176a, RIC I 206, BMCRE 513-8, Grade: 01, Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, auction 92, 23.5.2016, lot 473

Starting price: 50000 NOK

Match 5:
Oslo Myntgalleri AS > Auction 39Auction date: 23 November 2024
Lot number: 1267

Price realized: 850,000 NOK   (Approx. 76,905 USD / 73,167 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Gaius (Caligula), with Germanicus, AD 37-41. AV aureus (7,84 g; 20 mm). Lugdunum mint, struck AD 40. Laureate head of Gaius right / Bare head of Germanicus right. Lightly brushed fields and a couple of small marks on cheek of Caligula and on edge. Struck on a broad flan and with two magificent portraits., Calicó 324, RIC I 25, BMCRE 26, Grade: 1+/01, From the Leo Benz Collection; Ex Lanz, auction 94, 22.11.1999, lot 181; Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, auction 101, 24.10.2017, lot 116

Starting price: 250000 NOK