Noonans (formerly Dix Noonan Webb) > Auction 307Auction date: 25 September 2024
Lot number: 513

Price realized: 9,500 GBP   (Approx. 12,706 USD / 11,373 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:


Greek Coinages, Syracuse: Drachm, struck under the tyrant Dionysios I, c. 405-400; school of Eukleidas

Obverse: συρακοσιων: facing head of Athena canted slightly left, wearing plumed helmet; framed by four dolphins swimming around

Reverse: συρακοσιων: Leukaspis advancing right, holding spear and shield; altar behind, sacrificed ram to right, λευκασπισ in exergue

Metal: silver; Attic weight standard; 4.10g/6h

References: Du Chastel 126; Lockett 980; Rizzo pl. XLVII, 1 same dies

Condition: Extremely fine, well centred and attractively toned; an exceptional example of this difficult and charming issue £4,000-£5,000


Provenance: Nomos Auction 17, Zurich, 26 October 2018, lot 52

Match 1:
Noonans (formerly Dix Noonan Webb) > Auction 306Auction date: 25 September 2024
Lot number: 89

Price realized: 32,000 GBP   (Approx. 42,798 USD / 38,308 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Sicily: Syracuse

Greek Coinages, Syracuse: Tetradrachm, struck under the tyrant Dionysios I, c. 405-400; school of Parmenides

Obverse: charioteer driving fast quadriga left, the leftmost horses twisting in agitation and threatening to bolt; below a loose reign and a discarded chariot wheel; wreath-bearing Nike flying right above; corn-ear in exergue

Reverse: συρακοσιων: head of Arethusa left, hair bound up in patterned sakkos, wearing triple-pendant earring and cord necklace; framed by three dolphins swimming around

Metal: silver; Attic weight standard; 17.44g/10h

References: Fischer-Bossert 72a, this coin [O25/R50]; Rizzo pl. XLVII, 18; Ashmolean 2002

Condition: Extremely fine, sharply struck and of superb style; amongst the finest known and very rare thus £20,000-£30,000


Provenance: Monnaies et Medailles Auction 32, Basel, 20 October 1966, lot 58
Bank Leu Auction 36, Zurich, 7 May 1985, lot 67
L. von Hoffmann Collection, Sotheby Auction, 5 July 1995, lot 26
Nomos Auction 17, Zurich, 26 October 2018, lot 53

Match 2:
Noonans (formerly Dix Noonan Webb) > Auction 306Auction date: 25 September 2024
Lot number: 92

Price realized: 38,000 GBP   (Approx. 50,823 USD / 45,491 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Sicily: Syracuse

Greek Coinages, Syracuse: Tetradrachm, struck under the tyrant Dionysios I, c. 400-395; school of Eukleidas

Obverse: quadriga galloping left, the horses twisting in agitation and threatening to bolt, a loose reign trailing below; the charioteer distracted, glancing up towards the wreath-bearing Nike flying right above; dolphin in exergue

Reverse: συρακοσιων: head of Arethusa left, hair bound by sphendone and floating upwards as if submerged in water, wearing hook-shaped earring and plain necklace; framed by four dolphins swimming around

Metal: silver; Attic weight standard; 17.27g/11h

References: Fischer-Bossert 102b, this coin [O35/R69] = Woodward 121, this coin; Rizzo pl. XLVIII, 16; Ashmolean 2009

Condition: Extremely fine, the obverse perfectly centred and of magnificent style; struck on a broad flan with an almost invisible striking crack, rich cabinet tone £4,000-£5,000


Provenance: G. Nervegna Collection, Sambon-Canessa Auction, Rome, 18 November 1907, lot 775
W.H. Woodward Collection
Bt Spink, April 1942

Match 3:
Noonans (formerly Dix Noonan Webb) > Auction 306Auction date: 25 September 2024
Lot number: 91

Price realized: 3,400 GBP   (Approx. 4,547 USD / 4,070 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Sicily: Syracuse

Greek Coinages, Syracuse: Tetradrachm, struck under the tyrant Dionysios I, c. 400-395; school of Eukleidas

Obverse: charioteer driving fast quadriga left, the leftmost horses twisting in agitation and threatening to bolt; wreath-bearing Nike flying right above

Reverse: head of Arethusa left, her hair bound by sakkos and ampyx, wearing hook-shaped earring and plain necklace; framed by four dolphins around

Metal: silver; Attic weight standard; 17.31g/9h

References: Fischer-Bossert 87 [O32/R59]; Rizzo pl. XLVIII, 13; Ashmolean 2006

Condition: Good very fine, pretty grey tone over excellent surfaces £1,500-£1,800


Provenance: SNC August 1942 (15567)

Match 4:
Noonans (formerly Dix Noonan Webb) > Auction 306Auction date: 25 September 2024
Lot number: 95

Price realized: 55,000 GBP   (Approx. 73,559 USD / 65,843 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Sicily: Syracuse

Greek Coinages, Syracuse: Dekadrachm, struck under the tyrant Dionysios I, c. 400-395; school of Kimon

Obverse: charioteer driving galloping quadriga left, holding reins in one hand and urging the horses on with kentron; wreath-bearing Nike flying right above to crown driver; panoply of arms in exergue

Reverse: συρακοσιων: head of Arethusa left, her hair bound by ampyx and hair net, wearing pendant earring and pearled necklace; framed by four dolphins swimming around

Metal: silver; Attic weight standard; 43.45g/12h

References: Jongkees 9 [B/q]; Rizzo pl. L, 5; Ashmolean 2015

Condition: Good very fine, struck in high relief with beautiful old cabinet tone; a few trifling edge nicks and a light scratch in the reverse field £20,000-£26,000


Provenance: W.L. Gantz Collection, Glendining Auction, 27 May 1941, lot 89

Match 5:
Noonans (formerly Dix Noonan Webb) > Auction 306Auction date: 25 September 2024
Lot number: 90

Price realized: 9,000 GBP   (Approx. 12,037 USD / 10,774 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Sicily: Syracuse

Greek Coinages, Syracuse: Tetradrachm, struck under the tyrant Dionysios I, c. 400; school of Parmenides

Obverse: charioteer driving fast quadriga left, the leftmost horses twisting in agitation and threatening to bolt, below a loose reign; wreath-bearing Nike flying right above, ear of corn in exergue

Reverse: [συ]ρακοσιων: head of Arethusa right, her hair bound by sakkos and ampyx, wearing hook-shaped earring and pearled necklace; framed by four dolphins swimming around

Metal: silver; Attic weight standard; 17.01g/2h

References: Fischer-Bossert 76f, this coin [O27/R52] = Woodward 114, this coin; Rizzo pl. XLVII, 22; Ashmolean–

Condition: Edge scratch, otherwise about very fine, the portrait significantly better and delicately modelled; dark patina £1,200-£1,500


Provenance: W.H. Woodward Collection
Capt. S. Mavrojani Collection, Sotheby Auction, 9 March 1936, lot 110
SNC October 1943 (21761)